Main uses of
sodium nitrate

Main uses of
potassium nitrate

Main uses of
sodium nitrate

  • Metal recycling and metal treatment
  • Frits for ceramic enamels and glazes
  • Various chemical processes
  • Storage of thermal energy
  • Insulation materials
  • Explosives
  • Adhesives
  • Glass

Main uses of
potassium nitrate

  • Frits for ceramic enamels and glazes
  • Various chemical processes
  • Storage of thermal energy
  • High quality glass
  • Metal treatment
  • Pyrotechnics

Ceramic glazes

Thanks to their oxidizing and fluxing properties, sodium and potassium nitrate are used in the production of frits, which are applied as glazes on ceramic and metal bodies.


Sodium nitrate, a strong oxidizing agent, is used in civil explosives.


Black powder containing potassium nitrate is used to launch pyrotechnics skyward.

Solar energy

Sodium and potassium nitrate are used to store thermal energy in Concentrated Solar Power Plants. Solar salts for this specific application contain a blend of 60% sodium nitrate and 40% potassium nitrate by weight ratio used as storage and heat transfer medium. Unlike traditional photovoltaic plants, these plants use a “thermal battery” that contains molten sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate, which store the heat collected during the day.

High quality glass

Sodium nitrate is used as refining agent in tableware and high quality types of glass. Potassium nitrate is used to strengthen the properties of the glass, making it more resistant.

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