At SQM we have a strong commitment to sustainable development, carrying out our
operations in harmony with the environment and seeking to use natural resources
With clear commitments, deadlines and an investment of over US$200 million, SQM is executing a robust plan that deepens its responsibility with the environment and the sustainability of its operations.
The plan has three pillars of work, based on which we have set medium and long-term goals in terms of: water, carbon footprint reduction, waste management, ecosystem protection, being a contribution to sustainable industries, in addition to the co-creation of value with communities and workers.
• Strengthen the monitoring systems of the ecosystems surrounding our operations in order to provide an even more timely response.
• Creation of a corporate waste management system to drive a cultural change towards sustainability. The first step is to measure, in order to then know how to reduce. Also include waste from suppliers, workers, collaborators and offices in Chile and the rest of the world.
• SQM is committed to responsibly managing the natural resources used, minimizing their direct impact on flora and fauna and working together with communities to support the care and protection of these ecosystems.
• Establish a strong local presence and be a good neighbor.
• Participate in the co-creation of value with communities in a sustainable manner over time.
• Strengthen local economies and the development of neighbouring communities, contributing to the creation of shared social value.
• All SQM workers are responsible community agents.
• Continue to ensure safe and inclusive working conditions.
• Through its operations, SQM guarantees safe and inclusive working conditions while participating in local economies and the sustainable development of neighboring communities.
• Continue to be a relevant player in the sustainable development of the world with high participation in key industries for human development, such as health, food, renewable energy and sustainable mobility, which improve the quality of life of people in the world.
• Build trust and credibility for years to come by reinforcing a brand that is publicly associated with the world’s green industries.
We have certifications for our products and processes to ensure their quality, care for people and the environment.
EcoPorts is the main environmental initiative of the European port sector. It was initiated
by a number of proactive ports in 1997 and has been fully integrated into the European
Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) since 2011. The founding principle of EcoPorts is to
create a level playing field on environment through cooperation and sharing of knowledge
between ports.
See certificate here: Verification Certificate Tocopilla Port
ISO 14000 is a family of standards related to environmental management systems (EMS).
It provides a framework for organizations to manage their environmental responsibilities in
a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability. The key
standard in this family is ISO 14001, which specifies the requirements for an EMS and
helps organizations improve their environmental performance through more efficient use of
resources and reduction of waste.
See certificate here: ISO Certificate 14001_2015
Responsible Care® is the global initiative promoted by the International Council of
Chemical Associations ICCA (International Council of Chemical Associations), to promote
the sustainable development of the chemical industry, which is made explicit through the
slogan “Our Commitment to Sustainability” and demonstrates the commitment to
continuous work to improve health, safety and environmental standards of all products and
Our commitment is to comply with the 6 basic principles of Responsible Care®: continuous
improvement in environment, health and safety; efficient use of resources; listen, integrate
and work with surrounding communities; and provide help to promote responsible
management of chemicals. Additionally, re-certify every 3 years.
See certificate here: Verification Certificate Responsible Care
ISO 50001:2018 is a certification that demonstrates that an organization has implemented an energy management system (EMS) in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 50001:2018 standard. This standard provides a framework for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system. The certification helps organizations develop a policy for more efficient use of energy, set goals and objectives to meet this policy, use data to better understand and make decisions about energy use, measure results, review how well the policy works, and continually improve energy management. The goal is to reduce energy consumption, improve energy efficiency, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which will lead to cost savings and environmental benefits.
See certificate here: ISO 50001:2018 certificate
ISO 9001:2015 is a certification that demonstrates that an organization has implemented a quality management system (QMS) in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. This standard is based on several quality management principles, including a strong customer focus, top management involvement, a process-oriented approach, and continual improvement. Certification ensures that an organization consistently provides products and services that meet regulatory and customer requirements, with the goal of improving customer satisfaction through effective system improvements and processes.
See certificate here: ISO 9001:2015 certificate